The study of an entire role is a very exciting challenge. Oftentimes one has already learned the part’s arias. In this stage, the singing is of primary importance; perhaps musical or stylistic questions have been brought up with an accompanist.
Identifying oneself with the entire role, however, means much more. Vocal technique and a sense of musicality are only the prerequisites for an intense engagement with the role’s person and its characteristics. One needs to have found an approach to the role before onstage work with the director begins. Without an idea of the role, the collaboration on an operatic stage can be very tiresome and strenuous.
Drawing upon her own experiences with stage roles and from performance training with singers, Verena Rein develops an individualized concept for the "mastering" of the respective role. The voice, colors, dynamic nuancing, facial expressions, gestures, and movement are equally important, among many other features.
Role-clichées and shallow operatic gestures can thus be overcome, the singer finds their way to a unique, alive interpretation of the role.